Greg Million
An Empowered Now Coach
Relationship, Sexuality and Emotional Empowerment Coaching

Category or Tag: Polyamory

Polyamory and Nonmonogamy Glossary of terms

There's a lot of terminolgy to keep straight if you're new to Poly and/or nonmonogamy. Hell, even if you've been nonmonogamous forever there are still new terms created often. Here's a glossary of the top terms related to polyamory and nonmonogamous relationships,...

I’m Not Enough…And That’s OK

One of the most effective tools I've learned in my journey both personally and as a professional relationship coach is reframing the idea that I am not enough. For most of my life I thought not being enough was a "bad" thing until I realized, through lots of therapy...

Getting Naked

Let's get naked for a minute and talk about something very close to my heart... I identify as a naked person and I enjoy engaging in what I like to call consensual exhibitionism. I use the label naked person because being a nudist doesn't sit right with me for many...

How I've Helped Others

“I am grateful for the investment I made in my own life”

I met Greg at a coffee shop when I was in a challenging time of my life, and I felt inspired to talk to him. After a short conversion, he gave me a very powerful tip that helped me to become empowered and make better choices with my work situation. I then followed him on social media and decided to work with him. My experience has been very empowering. He took me through a series of stages by helping me get clarity over my values, gain clarity over sensitive topics like sex and the sexual orientation of the type of relationships I like to create for myself. With his help and our conversion, I am feeling more courageous to be vulnerable and powerful in ALL my relationships and as a result, I am feeling more connected and able to relate better to people I meet and my existing relationships. He made many amazing recommendations on books which really landed for me and enabled me to remove the mask that I was wearing, which was preventing me from sharing myself more with the world. Bottom line I am grateful for the investment I made in my own life, which has added a new dimension of self-empowerment, love, and freedom. I recommend anyone who can relate to my story and feels an inner connection to working with Greg to pull the trigger.

Pouya Iranitalab

Pouya Iranitalab
Best Selling Author, Coach and Business Advisor

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